Berry NSW is a firm favourite with visitors and locals alike.
thanks to the incredible range of boutique stores and trendy cafes. tree lined streets and historic village charm.
Berry NSW is a friendly, historic town known as the first proper country town south of Sydney. Nestled beneath the rolling hills, the township has a character, warmth and charm retained from its early days. The town offers visitors many activities and attractions. This includes a mouth-watering array of fabulous gourmet restaurants to casual cafes, contemporary art galleries, unique homewares shops and boutiques. Additionally, the town is packed with well appointed guest houses, B&Bs, hotel and motel accommodation.Â
Take a country drive through the villages of Broughton Vale and Bellawongarah which offer picturesque rural scenery just a short drive from the township of Berry NSW. There are various buildings with National Trust classification, and the market days on each Thursday and the first Sunday of the month attract many visitors. Moreover, Berry NSW is a town of many passions which are reflected in the products and services offered by its shopkeepers. Here you’ll find everything from Aboriginal art to texts on Buddhism, hand-made chocolates to rubber stamps, and quilting classes to antique woodworking tools. After that, enjoy a leisurely Sunday breakfast in one of the many great cafes, followed by a meander through the many boutique shops lining the streets. For something different jump on a walking tour of the towns best food producers where you will learn the inside secrets on making everything from chocolate to tea.

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